
National Ploughing Championships

national ploughing championships

Record High Attendance at this years National Ploughing Championships

Numbers attending hit an all-time record high today with just over 124,500 passing through the gates of the Championships in Ratheniska. This is an increase of 34,500 on yesterday bringing the total attendance so far this week to 206,500. Speaking this evening, Ms Anna Marie McHugh said “We expected large crowds again today given the excellent weather and positive reports yesterday, however, I don’t think anyone would have predicted today’s attendance figure. The feedback from exhibitors so far is that business is extremely vibrant and those I spoke with said sales are already well ahead of their 3 day target figures. This is very positive for both rural Ireland and the wider economy.”

With the introduction of water charges in October there was allot of interest in water saving products at this years ploughing championships.

There was allot of watersave products on display at the ploughing championships.

Watersave products on display included, watersave shower heads, watersave taps, toilet watersave products and a full range of other water saving products.

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